Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Grading Style: Hard but Fair

There are a good amount of written analysis questions asked of students in our honors biology class, and before I give an assignment, I usually answer the first question with the students.  I outline my expectations and have a discussion before turning the students loose on the rest of an assignment.  When papers are collected, I grade according to those expectations.

Before grading, my master teacher and I get together to calibrate expectations, and then I show her my grading after I've finished a stack.

Despite the hours of grading, I have really enjoyed the process.  I admit that it's frustrating to see students rush through questions and miss major pieces of the question.  I take off points and make comments about what they missed.

I was glad to hear from a student.  He said, "Mr. Davis, you're a hard grader."
"Fair?" I asked.
"Yeah.  But, hard."

I was happy.

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