Friday, February 28, 2014

Teaching First: Students and the Rain

Today brings the first major rain storm of the season and the first of my teaching career.

It's about 200 yards from the parking lot to the classroom and it takes about 4 minutes to walk the distance. I made it in 3 but not without getting wet.  Very, very wet.

I was curious to how the students would respond; my teacher friends agree that wind, rain, and full moons cause students to act strangely.  I haven't noticed too much odd behavior with full moons or wind, but the rain brought out student behavior out of the norm.

Here's how they responded to the rain.


Lots of screaming and yelling went on during passing period.  Also, students are excited to inform me that it's raining.

In Class

Students were a lot more squirrely today; many of them talked right through the lecture.  Even some of my quiet and studious students were chatty.  And, good gravy, the normally chatty students were off the wall!


And some students stayed home. 


Shorts and a T-Shirt.  Yes, I saw a young man in shorts and a t-shirt casually walking from the parking lot to his class.  I know we live in Southern California and all, but shorts and a t-shirt is not the most wise of clothing options.

It's been a crazy day.  I've dried out, the students have been pretty good, and the day's observations have been quite valuable.  Rain is rare and students respond differently to drastic change.  Yes, here in Southern California, rain is a drastic change.

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